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Monday, September 29, 2008

yes pretty jud (:

upon request of dearest judith sim, muscle girl in the making (or already is).
[edit] AND serene, the super duper tracker that's going to blaze IVP :p


haha its been a long long long long time since i last blogged an entry!!! been really busy of late. so busy that i didnt get to go swimming with the peeps yesterday ): saddddddd ): sorry i PSed, but i really really really really (x infinity) wanted to swim too ): hope you guys will be going swimming again soon?

and i cant go climbing with jud and jon on thursday. stone socks (opposite of rock socks)

but okay,
there was F1 over the last weekend!! but MR FERRARI DIDNT WIN!!!!! )": some frigging unknown with an attitude won instead. jiajun says he's not an unknown.. but anyway, i'm jealous cuz jiajun got the watch it LIVE. and he got to see all the hot girls around. hrmph

but i had fun with the children in children's church! AND at the party planning thingy. yesterday's party was havoc. haha the kids were hyper active period.

so anyway jud wants to know what i'm busy with,
but i can only say i'm free on most monday and friday nights!!! (:
working now alright, HSBC insurance and as i always say, no, i'm not selling insurance :p
so it's back to not seeing the sun, sitting around in office. but the difference is that i'm not slacking (: well at least most of the time(except times like hmmm now) :D

i miss jud and jon and serene and froggy and everyone else ):
let's meet up soon! (: i'm meeting serene 11oct! cant wait x)

so september is almost coming to an end already!!! TIME SUPER FLIES!!!
significant events of September (:
13Sep: REVIVAL MEETING at expo hall 8 :p
20Sep: DREAM BEYOND (i spoke on stage for the FIRST TIME IN MY LIFE!! woots!)
oh yes, thank junrong for helping to find that badminton coach replacement!! (: it really wasnt easy after trying for one whole week :p
20Sep: OCS NIGHT. actually the OCS campsite iz very beautiful you know... x) i'm telling you now if you didnt know that :p
29Sep: date with ailin (:

upcoming events in october..
there's children's day party at toapayoh safra (:
11Oct: date with serene (:
21Oct: date with myself (:
i need to start playing a little badminton, i cant believe i agreed zoots that i'll help her to be a COACH for the month of October..... x) omg, i pity those kids :p

and peeps!! i'm going on holiday to NZ coming nov!! (: excited about it, and going to find my naddie (: anyone wants anything from NZ?? :p i dunno what they have there though :D

i guess that's all?
tata!! til i update again :p

*throbs @10:47 <3

Leave your response



"Remember, happiness doesn't depend upon who you are or what you have. It depends solely upon what you think."
— Dale Carnegie

Most people don't believe it, but it really is possible to think yourself happy. You start with one happy thought followed by another and another until pretty soon you're stacking them on top of each other, like layers of joy bricks. After awhile, you will have built such a solid wall of happy thoughts around yourself that wherever you go, you'll radiate joy. And all because one day you made the decision that no matter what, you were going to think a happy thought.

happiness is YOURS to control (:


pst kong. sun ho. pst phil. pst CK. evelyn.

KT. aileen. amandafaith. ben. charis. darice. david. emily. huanli. jonathan. leticia. nadia. serena. shirley. torrance.

e290. ailin. alex. amelia. andrea. audrey. chia. esther. genghao. huiyen. jiahui. josephine. leeying. raymond. tayxi. wenmin. xinyi. yiren. zhuting.

arvinA. B. chuanli. crystal. daryl. jon. judith. junjun. kaiyi. kenneth. mr low. nicholas. pokiat. rachel. rodney. serene. siyao. zeling.

2Ho3. ak. grace. jingwen. joel. ziqi.

aaron. allen. kennethlui. sze gay.

ccm. eugene.

mabel. riana. yonghui.

chengjun. eugenia. jonathan.. ms tay. phildia. tabitha.. wenmei..



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dun go without tagging! (:


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